Find Out How Does Dryer Ball Work

Dryer Balls

Now that you find dryer balls in the market, you may start to wonder whether this product really works or not. There have been a lot of debates regarding the work of this dryer ball. But in general, the idea behind this item is to help avoid laundry from clumping in the dryer. However, does it really work?

Everything You Need to Know about Dryer Ball and How It Works

It is no secret that a dryer ball has been around for quite some time and many people have been employing this item for years as a natural and eco-friendly alternative for both liquid fabric softener and dryer sheets. Nevertheless, there are still many of them who do not know how it works.

What Is a Dryer Ball Actually?

You must have heard about it before but you just do not really care about it until you learn its benefit. Well, wool dryer balls are actually an eco-friendly, natural, biodegradable substitute to the tricky use of liquid fabric softener. Theoretically, they are supposed to help prevent laundry from clustering in the dryer.

A dryer ball comes in a range of sizes and materials with wool as the most popular type of it. Other than wool variants, there are also rubber and plastic variants available in the market. Nowadays, there are also a bunch of dryer ball products available on the internet that you can choose as you please.

How Does a Dryer Ball Work?

Now the question is how this item works to enhance your drying process? By retaining the heat received on the dryer, a wool dryer ball is supposed to make your laundry dries faster and more effectively. As a result, the drying time can be reduced. For the details, check this following example.

A Sample of How It Works

For instance, when drying some towels, you can see a collection of wet fabric flapping around and attaching to each other for a long time before they are waterless enough to separate and let the warm air to flow. A dryer ball works to accelerate this “separation” process and let the warm air easily circulate between the towels.

In addition, a dryer ball also works to help soften the fabrics when utilized in the dryer. It is possible because the wool dryer constantly agitates against the fibers in your linens and clothes. As a result, after a drying cycle, the clothes will also be soft as you touch them.

How Long the Dryer Ball Last

Another common question about how the dryer works is related to how long it last. According to most manufacturers, the ball is able to last even after 1,000 loads. Nevertheless, it is recommended to replace the ball once you see it begin to unravel. This way, you will be able to get the most of the ball.

How to Use the Dryer ball

The last, you will surely want to know how to use this item. First, you should remember how it works. It stumbles around your clothes and separates them to let warm air circulate more easily. For it to work the best, you better use the dryer wool balls for medium to small-sized loads.

If you’re looking for the right dryer ball, our recommendation would be the one from COMFECTO. It has all the features you need, and made of premium material which safe for your clothes. Find out more through®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/wooly dryer balls